Symposia consists of a series of aluminum plaques that feature quotations from sources as varied as Milton Berle, Susan Sontag and Malcolm X. This work was installed on a permanent basis in high traffic areas in locations around Toronto, Scarborough and Mississauga. These plaques are affixed to the exterior of buildings, in corridors and in offices. The city, among other things, is something to be read both figuratively and literally. Lost cat posters, billboards, shop signs and graffiti all compete for our attention. I chose to present my quotations on cast plaques to lend them gravitas and a quasi-official air. As the title Symposia suggests, I wish to promote discussion among people and encourage our engagement with one another as citizens, not consumers and rate payers. Failing this, I wish to elicit a smile.

Albert Camus, 26 cm. X 8 cm. 2011

Lao Tzu, 26 cm. X 8cm. 2011

Lao Tzu (detail), 26 cm. X 8 cm. 2011

George Eliot, 26 cm. X 8 cm. 2011

George Eliot (detail), 26 cm. X 8 cm. 2011

Wayne Dyer, 26 cm. X 8 cm. 2011

Wayne Dyer ( detail), 26 cm. X 8 cm. 2011

Malcolm X, 26 cm. X 8 cm. 2011

Mark Twain, 26 cm. X  8 cm. 2011

Milton Berle, 26 cm. X 8 cm. 2011

Milton Berle (detail),  26 cm. X 8 cm. 2011

Susan Sontag, 26 cm. X 8 cm. 2011

Yogi Berra, 26 cm. X 8 cm.

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